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8 Bad Skincare Habits You Should Probably Quit

Skin care is an essential component of self-care. By adopting healthy skin habits, you can wake up to gorgeous, radiant skin in no time.

Here are some skin care habits to quit.

The everyday grind may make you fall prey to certain bad habits, which can be harmful to the skin. By becoming aware of and ditching these habits, you can get the skin you want.

  1. Drinking the wrong beverages – Caffeinated and sugary beverages, including soda, coffee, tea and alcohols can cause your skin to become dry and dehydrated if consumed daily. It is always best to increase your water intake. Green tea has also been proven to be excellent for a glowing, youthful complexion. It contains antioxidants that work to protect the skin against free radicals.
  2. Consuming fatty and processed food items – Unhealthy foods can create a negative effect on our skin. Reduce your intake of junk food to see a considerable difference in your skin. Instead, consume whole and unprocessed food items. Also, include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables; it will make your skin look radiant.

Also Read: Healthy foods for perfect skin

  1. Not using sunscreen on your skin – Exposure to the harsh rays of the sun can cause irreversible skin damage. It is a big mistake not to use sunscreen on the face when you step outdoors. Sun exposure can lead to sun spots, premature aging, and even skin cancer. Make sure to apply sunscreen daily to keep your skin well protected from UV rays. Also, you may love tanning, but a few years down the line you may regret it. Tanning can lead to premature skin aging and blemishes.
  2. Squeezing your pimples – One of the skin care habits to quit is popping your zits. People pick at the pimples to get rid of them, but, unfortunately, it does more harm than good. While it can be tempting to squeeze the pimples, it can scar your skin. It is, therefore, wise to leave the pimples alone and use topical medications to get rid of them.

Also Read: Perfect Ways to Get Rid of Acne Fast

  1. Going to bed with your makeup – It can be tempting to hit the sack before cleaning the day’s makeup, but this is one of the worst skin care habits that you should never fall victim to. Sleeping with your makeup can lead to a host of skin issues. The clogged pores can lead to the bacterial buildup that can cause acne and pimples. Cleansing your face every night can help your skin to replenish and rejuvenate as you sleep. Also, it is important to remove your eye makeup completely. Else it can get you styes that can be distressing and uncomfortable and take months to go away.
  2. Using abusive skin care products – Your creams, lotions and other treatments that comprise irritants such as alcohol and fragrances do more harm than good. It is best to go natural and use products that contain herbal ingredients, which are easy on the skin.
  3. Not hydrating your body well enough – Not drinking enough water is one of the skin care habits to quit. Water is an essential component of many things that the body needs to do. The most important among them is carrying nutrients to the different parts of the body. Another is removing the toxins from the body. So, do your body and skin a favor by drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day.
  4. Not getting enough sleep – It is also very important to get enough sleep every night. Plenty of rest can help your skin to look fabulous. Not only is getting adequate sleep better for your overall health, but a good night’s sleep is also important to help restore the natural balance of your skin, making it look supple and hydrated.


While it is essential to maintain a good skin  care routine, try not to overdo it; attending to your skin twice a day is good enough. Too much of it can strip your skin of healthy oils and will not be good for your skin. Follow the skin care habits to quitand enjoy a glowing complexion.

Also Read: Get flawless skin through natural ways

You can buy skin care products online at PremiumRXDrugs

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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