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Hair Growth through Home Remedies

Hair Growth through Home Remedies

Hair is one of the most attractive parts of your overall appearance. Much like other facets hair also requires delicate care to maintain their health and shine for a long time. If you are tired of counting the falling hair strands, then don’t worry. There are many home remedies to treat hair fall problems.

Both men and women desire to have healthy and luscious hair. They try different types of medications as well as home remedies without knowing specific methods to get longer hair faster. It should be noted that each hair strand has its life cycle (Anagen stage, Catagen stage, and Telogen stage). By the time one reaches middle age (around 30 years) it’s regular to have slow hair growth.

Causes of slow growth of hair:

Sometimes, slow hair growth happens due to:
• Hormonal imbalances
• Nutritional deficiencies
• Poor hair care
• Use of harmful hair care products (or chemical-laden hair products)
• Allergies
• Heredity
• Excessive stress
• Improper hairstyles
• Pollution

One must understand that the health of the hair is directly connected to the health of the body. Hence, it’s vital to keep good health.
Symptoms of slow hair and hair loss:

Initially, it’s difficult to notice slow hair growth and hair loss as it occurs naturally, and we think whatever hair is falling out will be regained.

Some of the important symptoms of slow hair growth are:

• Fallout of hair in cluster
• Dryness in hair
• Thinning of the hairline
• Dandruff attack
• Itching

Those who aspire to have long and thick hair are supposed to take expensive medical help or home available aids or both. Slow hair growth and hair loss have been pertinent to many people, and if you know how to grow your hair faster, it would certainly give you an edge over the changing lifestyle. Here are some home remedies for hair growth:

• Hair massage

Massage of hair, scalp helps to improve circulation. Hence, hair growth is stimulated. You should apply hot oil (at least twice a week) treatment or massage your hair about five minutes daily for effective results. Rub your fingers on the scalp with a soft and circular motion; it opens up the blood vessels and thereby increasing blood flow. You can heat up coconut or olive oil in a microwave and then use it with soft hands. This treatment also helps to reduce dandruff significantly.

• Egg Mask

Egg whites have some healing properties that help to replenish or regain the natural softness of the hair. Such egg mask comprises high levels of zinc, iodine, iron, proteins, sulfur and phosphorus that improve hair growth. You just have to crack open eggs and remove the yolk to apply white mask only. After application, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash hair. Regular application of the egg white mask will not only grow hair faster, but also bring its natural shine.

• Healthy diet

Try to avoid nutritional deficiencies in the development of hair. There is no replacement for a healthy diet for the betterment of hair or body at large. A diet rich in protein and vitamins A, B, C and E, B-complex, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, etc. should regularly be taken for the faster growth of hair.

Those who want to get longer hair should include a variety of food items in their diet such as:

• Spinach
• Grapefruit
• Cheese
• Chicken
• Whole grains
• Salmon
• Cabbage
• Yogurt
• Oats
• Avocado, etc.

A healthy diet is essential for the health and speedy growth of hair in any seasons.

• Onion Juice and coconut milk

The sulfur present in onion juice helps to increase collagen proteins and thereby improves hair follicles. Similarly, proteins present in coconut milk help to control breakage and thinning hair. Carefully apply the coconut milk on the scalp and then let it absorb for two hours before washing.

• Rosemary

Rosemary proves to be an excellent home remedy for hair growth as its antioxidant properties strengthens hair follicles and eliminate dandruff. Moreover, rosemary has sulfur and silica content that prevents hair loss, unclogs blocked hair follicles as well as darkens the hair to a good extent. Just two drops of rosemary mixed with a little amount of your base oil are sufficient to the hair.

• Castor oil

The omega-9 fatty acids and vitamin E available in the castor oil promote natural hair growth. Also, these attributes help to thicken oil, moisture that prevents frizzing and scalp infections. Massage scalp with a mix of castor oil with an equal amount of olive, coconut or almond oil, and then wash hair after 30 minutes. You will feel the positive effects after its regular applications.

Though there are many home remedies for hair growth but they are of no use if you are not living a stress-free life. The mental and physical health has to be fit for grooming hair faster. Plus, you have to know how to grow your hair through the proper procedure of home product application; otherwise, any inadequacy in the process may not give you the desired results.

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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