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Do Hair Supplements Actually Work

Do Hair Supplements Actually Work

Do Hair supplements really make a difference? Get the scientific facts before you spend your hard-earned money.

What does Science say?

Hair supplements are enriched with antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, or biotin, as well as Coenzyme Q10, a B complex vitamin. These hair growth supplements claim to be loaded with numerous vitamins. These supplements play the role to promote healthy hair growth.

Deficiencies of these vitamins or nutrients can cause thinning of the hair and hair loss in both men and women. Over the period of time, a deficiency of biotin may also cause eczema. But for people with no deficiencies, experts say there is no strong evidence that shows that these vitamins or supplements can make any difference.

Most hair supplements contain a combination of Vitamin C, B3, and biotin, which are known to help hair growth. Other than switching towards supplements, opting the natural formula is the safest way to achieve healthy hair growth. Foods high in protein, zinc, iron, and other vitamins can also promote healthy hair growth. Salmon is known as a rich source of Vitamin D, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids that help to control hair fall, while almonds are a major resource of Vitamin E, which keeps the blood flowing to the scalp and encourages hair regrowth.

‘One of the biggest misconceptions among people is that hair supplements will treat hail loss/fall problems, but they may are not aware of the other facts of using the supplements.  These supplements may also link to some health issues like thyroid or chronic anemia.’

When can Supplements help?

Hair loss is commonly caused by a combination of genetic and hormonal imbalance. It can also be a side effect of any medication, medical treatment, due to illness or pregnancy.

If your hair loss is a result of health-related issues such as stress, depression, auto-immune disorders, or a thyroid problem, you should visit your doctor to treat your medical condition first. Once the health issue comes under control, your hair condition would return to its natural stage.

These supplements can help you if your hair loss is a result of poor diet or a nutritional deficiency. A well balanced nutritious diet will help you in maintaining overall health. However, if you don’t have a vitamin deficiency, there is no strong evidence to prove that extra supplements will help your hair to grow.

What kinds of Hair Growth Supplements are useful for Hair?

There are many plant extracts, herbal supplements, and vitamins that promise to provide healthy hair growth. These supplements will only help hair growth if you have any vitamin deficiency. Supplements rich in iron, vitamin A, B, D and E, zinc, amino acids and omega acids (especially omega-3 fatty acids) plays an integral part in keeping hair healthy.

Before you start taking hair supplements, make sure that you take recommended dose only, because taking supplements in high quantity can be harmful for your hair and skin both. On the other hand, it is also very important to follow a healthy balanced diet. You should always eat well to keep your skin and hair naturally fit.

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