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Take effective measures to disallow adult acne

Men and women experiencing acne breakouts in their 30s and 40s or even later years can simply be termed adult acne. Although you are never too old for acne as it can happen to any age groups.

Acne is one of the most common skin problems that both men and women experience. Since our face is mostly exposed to the external environment, it’s more affected, while other body parts remain covered. The case of stubborn acne that occurs in people in their 20s and 30s is often termed as adult acne; on the other hand, many teens facing acne breakout find it less intensive and for short time too. According to a study, of all cases of adult acne, about 25% are found in men and 50% in women, whereas rest age groups share the other 25%.

Almost one-third of adults with facial acne also witness breakouts on the other body parts. Sometimes, acne becomes a serious skin problem and it can be a cause of depression, anxiety and embarrassment.

Teenage and acne breakouts:

Teenage is a phase of life when hormonal changes take place faster than other age brackets.  These hormonal changes often cause the excess production of sebum, making skin vulnerable to acne breakout, pimples and other skin problems. The application of some lotions, herbal creams and home products help to treat teenage acne, but adult acne may not find it an effective solution. Adult acne treatment demands more regular and effective remedies that have to be taken all along the changes in lifestyle. It’s noteworthy that the persistent breakouts of adult acne can leave some indelible marks on skin, so its early treatment is necessary, possibly during teenage itself.

Causes of adult acne:

There are some common causes of adult acne that could lead to breakouts. The causes can be counted as:

Types of acne:

When it comes to the types of adult acne, most dermatologists categorize it into four types depending on the nature, longevity and the affected area. These four types are:

It is also known as clogged pores of the skin that happens due to the presence of oil or waxes under the skin. The breakout of tiny bumps on the skin gives a look of acne that often remain concentrated in the T-zone.

The inflammatory acne probably looks like whiteheads, blackheads and red bumps that are not only inflammatory in nature but also irritating to the skin. It occurs due to clogged follicles triggered by higher testosterone levels in the body; thereby this condition leads more oil production by the sebum that further clogs hair follicles.

Hormonal changes can simply cause the breakout of acne and young people often witness this problem. Usually, the lack of sufficient estrogen in women can change the complexion of skin and, lower parts of the face are the most affected by this type of adult acne. In women, this type of skin problem often happens before, during and after the menstrual cycle, but it disappears with the passage of time.

Adult Cystic acne is notorious for causing scars and deep inflammation in the skin. It remains for a long time, causing black and whiteheads and, sometimes it looks like blisters on skin that’s very painful too. People witnessing cystic acne find it difficult to shave and its impact increases due to infection and side-effects of some environmental factors.

Adult acne treatments:

It’s very important to consider the nature of your skin when choosing acne treatment products.


Acne is just a skin condition that does not pose any serious problems in most cases. It remains for a short time and, if you take proper skin care, then its impact can be nullified. There are many herbal products available in the market that promise to treat adult acne with utmost care. If you find the above mentioned tips insufficient then you can take the help of skin experts. Don’t let your skin suffer from this trivial skin problem anymore.

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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