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What is hypertensions cause, control and treamtnet

hypertension cause, control and treatment

Cardiovascular diseases have  influenced  millions of people worldwide, representing a  foremost cause of morbidity and mortality and imposing a significant economic burden upon society. High blood pressure (Hypertension) is a conventional risk factor for cardiovascular disease and from the last decade. It has become one of the prime contributors to the global load of  illness. The  worldwide occurrence of hypertension is more than 1 billion whereas more than 7.1 million deaths may be accredited to hypertension annually.

Detailing hypertension and its causes

The force exerted by the blood on the blood vessels is called  blood pressure (BP), and an  elevated blood pressure is known as hypertension. High blood pressure is an open invitation to various health problems as diabetes, heart problems, and many other critical health issues. Some of the major risk factors are mentioned below:

Hypertension is of mainly two types one is primary hypertension also known as   essential hypertension   and secondary hypertension. In the former one, there is no underlying reason for hypertension and people may or may not experience any signs and symptoms. Though the exact reason is unknown,  but the above written factors are the risk factors for the essential hypertension. The latter one is the condition that has an identified reason behind the condition. Kidney diseases, adrenal gland abnormalities, and thyroid diseases are the factors that cause the secondary hypertension.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

The high blood pressure is a condition that produces bare minimum signs and symptoms. Approximately one-third of individuals who have high blood pressure don’t know it. The only way to know high blood pressure is regular checkups. Some of the signs and symptoms are:

If you find  any of the above symptoms immediately, contact with the doctor as untreated hypertension may result in serious health problems like stroke, heart disease, kidney failure and eye problems.

How to control high blood pressure?

High blood pressure can be well managed by medication, diet management and proper exercise. Some remedies for high blood pressure treatment by natural way are as follows:

  1. Exercise regularly – Regular physical activity can lower the elevated blood pressure within just a few weeks.The patients with hypertension can reduce high blood pressure by almost 8 mm Hg over 6 mm Hg with a brisk walk for thirty minutes daily.The exercise helps the heart to  use oxygen more efficiently; that decreases the workload and high blood pressure levels.
  1. Eat a healthy diet- A diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products  help  to reduce  the high  blood pressure. DASH (Dietary approach to stop hypertension) is a recommended diet plan for the patients having hypertension.
  1. Seek the help for snoring- Don’t ignore if your partner is complaining about snoring as it is one of the primary symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. The person with sleep apnea has a higher level of aldosterone, a hormone that can boost blood pressure. It is advisable to seek proper treatment of sleep apnea that also keeps the blood pressure levels low.
  2. Avoid the stress- Take adequate rest and keep yourself relaxed and calm as they can temporarily increase blood pressure.Yoga and meditation can help to remain stress- free.
  3. Don’t use the tobacco product- Chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco have deleterious effects on our heart blood vessels that can impede their functioning and can harm them.
  4. Drink alcohol moderately- Various studies reveal that a small amount alcohol consumption lowers the elevated blood pressure and increases the HDL, the good fat of the body.It  is very harmful to take it in excess as it increases the blood pressure and triglycerides.
  5. Medicinal Treatment- Various medicines like; Captopril, Amlodipine, Furosemide, Losartan, and Propranolol are present in the market for the treatment of hypertension that are taken only on doctor’s prescription.

Hypertension is an invisible killer that can cause significant serious health problems. It is one of the major risk factor for cardiovascular problems. It is advisable that moment you get diagnosed with high levels of blood pressure, immediately reach for a solution. Intake of healthy diet and exercise helps a lot in decreasing the blood pressure levels. Your little consciousness about your health keeps you healthy. Remain stress-free and safeguard your heart.

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