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Dietary changes that can earn you beautiful hair

Everybody likes to flaunt shiny and beautiful hair. For that, you need to put some efforts and concentrate more on foods that promise healthy hair for a long time.

Hair is one of the important parts of your appearance. Shining, dense and healthy hair can give you a distinct look even in the crowd, so it’s necessary to look after it with the best possible means. Food products play a decisive role in this regard, so why not focus on that. You must eat your way to healthy hair and always keep an eye on the nutritious values of the foods items. What the best shampoos, conditioners and chemical products cannot earn for your hair, it is possible to achieve by the food products. The incorporation of nutritious foods in your regular diet will certainly lead to a considerable difference in your hair.

Dietary changes that can earn you beautiful hair

There is a long list of such edibles that make your hair healthy and beautiful. Look at some of those food ingredients that possess excellent nutrition required for the good development of lustrous hair.

Ideal amount of carbohydrates:

Carbohydrates are an excellent source of calories that provide energy that is needed for the growth of body tissues as well as hair follicles. The lack of carbohydrates can be a cause of weak hair follicles or hair fall. Those who run or do a lot of physical exercises could witness the depletion of hair, so it’s important to keep the level of carbohydrates high in the body to achieve beautiful hair. In any conditions, don’t cut back on carbohydrates that can be gained from whole grain, oatmeal, bread, wholemeal pasta and brown rice. The intake of wholegrain cereals is highly recommended for shiny hair.

Protein for healthy hair:

Protein is a vital element to ensure good growth of hair. It works like a building block to the hair follicles, while the scarcity of protein can make your hair rough and weak. The protein-rich edibles should make up some 20-25% of your daily meal. Keratin is a special protein that gives strength and flexibility to the hair. If you are looking to eat your way to healthy hair, then take the protein route by including food items like tofu, nuts, soy, beans, pulses, and milk products (milk, cheese and curd). You can also add up the juicy steak, eggs, salmon fillet, and chicken breast to increase keratin production.

Spinach for healthy and beautiful hair:

Spinach possesses amazing nutrients to ensure healthy and shiny hair. It helps to keep your hair moisturized and protects it from easy or seasonal brittles. Spinach contains plenty of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin A (carotenoids), B1, B2, B6, beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, zinc, protein, phosphorous, copper, Vitamin C and E, iron and folate acid that are crucial for a healthy scalp. So try to increase the amount of spinach, kale and other leafy vegetables for healthy hair.

Also Read: Hair Growth through Home Remedies

Vitamin C:

The good growth of hair with natural shine can be achieved by increasing the consumption food products rich in Vitamin-C. It promises strong and supple hair follicles to the people of different age groups. The antioxidant quality of vitamin C promotes skin tissues as well as strengthens the immune system. There are many excellent sources of vitamin C that include lemon, oranges, berries, amla, berries and various juicy fruits. You can also get it from vegetables like tomato, cucumbers, cauliflower and different leafy vegetables.

Fatty acids:

Your diets without fatty acids are not good for hair. Fatty acids work as a medicine to prevent dry and brittle hair problems. If your body is unable to produce fatty acids, then you can access it from food items like walnuts, vegetable oils, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, legumes, flax seeds, fish and avocado.

Sweet potatoes for shiny hair:

If your hair is losing its natural charm, then sweet potatoes can turn the condition significantly. The potential antioxidant (beta-carotene) found in the sweet potatoes can protect hair against dullness. Our body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which encourages the glands to produce oily fluids (sebum) to moisture hair follicles, a natural conditioner that is needed for beautiful hair. The other sources of beta-carotene include carrots, cantaloupe, orange, mangoes and pumpkin.

Oysters for supple hair:

Highly recommended oysters are an excellent source of zinc and minerals. It is also a very powerful element for beautiful eyelashes and hair follicles. Some fortified cereals, lobster and meat products can supply a number of minerals for strong and beautiful hair.


Many people don’t bother whether food products that they eat do make any impact on the health of hair or not. That’s where the hair problems make a way out. The problems of hair fall, rough hair, baldness, dandruff, slow growth, early whitening and hair breakup can significantly be treated by your diet. So, your dream for cherishing beautiful hair is possible if you concentrate on your diet a bit more.


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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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