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Hair loss causes, symptums, diagonesis and treament

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Hair is the most important part of human personality. Everyday a normal man loses about 50-100 hairs.  Experiencing bald patches or hair thinning could reflect that a man may be suffering from hair loss.


Other hair loss causes

If the hair loss pattern is unusual then there are certain causes for it which are as follows:


The signs and symptoms of hair loss and hair conditions vary between men, women and children.

Signs in men

Signs in women

Signs in children and young adults


Continuous hair loss is an indication for underlying medical condition or health issue. Visiting dermatologist will determine the exact cause for the hair loss. To prevent hair loss a change in the lifestyle and prescription medications may work. If an autoimmune or skin condition is one of the causes, then the doctor may take a biopsy of skin on the scalp. Hair growth is quite a complex process, so it may take time to know the exact cause for hair loss problem.


Medications are the first course of treatment for hair loss. There are over the counter medicines which includes some topical creams and gels to be applied directly onto the hair scalp.

Medical options

If medicines do not stand by your expectations, then there are some surgical procedures for treating baldness.

Home remedies

Sometimes surgical procedures may be too expensive for a normal man. In that case, the best solution is to use hair loss products which promote hair growth and are inexpensive too.

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