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Hormonal Imbalance can also lead to infertility

fertility and pregnancy

If you are trying hard, but are unable to get pregnant then go and test your hormone levels to check if they are normal. It’s medically proved that hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility, so take all possible treatments to get out of this trauma.

It’s quite common to have hormonal imbalances and both men and women are the victims of this problem. Since hormone level is directly connected with the fertility, it makes a bit difficult for the women conceive, so they seem to be the easy target of personal and social attack. The majority of the infertility problems due to hormonal imbalance can be treated successfully, so no need to get disappointed even if there is only 1% possibility.

Causes of hormonal imbalance:

The hormone works like a chemical messenger in the body that is carried by the blood streams to the organs and tissues. Any imbalance in the hormone level could be natural or due to an underlying health problem. Hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility and it could affect women of any age. There are some probable causes of hormonal imbalance that include:

• Age
• Estrogen dominance
• Menopause
• Genetics
• Obesity
• Intense medication and, in some cases, consumption of birth control pills
• Stress
• Eating disorder
• Poor nutrition
• Cigarette smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol
• Overuse of non-organic and cosmetic products
• Low progesterone levels
• Unhealthy or unbalanced lifestyle

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance:

Some common sign and symptoms of hormonal imbalance include:

• Fatigue
• Obesity
• Depression
• Breast tenderness
• High blood pressure
• Increased body hair
• Increased belly fat
• Dizziness

Effects of Hormonal Imbalances:

Hormones not only work as a chemical communication system in the body, but also ensure good development of your health. The polycystic ovarian syndrome or malfunction of the hormone gland could disturb the level of hormone (either too high or too little production of hormones). This imbalance disrupts ovulation that poses an infertility problem. Fortunately, the hormonal imbalance can be rectified through medication and, most importantly, dietary changes. you can buy hcg online from premiumrx -drugs for get ride of infertilty problem

There are some common hormonal imbalances identified in the couples. They can somehow affect your capacity to conceive. Try to understand their natures and effects to treat them effectively.

• Progesterone imbalance

The imbalance in progesterone is very common in women, raising fertility and pregnancy issues. Women with low levels of progesterone witness very short phase of luteal that affects the menstrual cycle and secretion of steroid hormones. A short luteal phase decreases the possibility of fertilized eggs to get implanted in the uterus, inviting miscarriage too often.

• Prolactin imbalance

Prolactin hormone is responsible for allowing eggs to develop and mature in the womb. It’s also known for controlling the production of breast milk. Prolactin hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility and its deficiency makes a bit difficult for you to become pregnant. In most cases of prolactin imbalance, women remain unaware of its presence that could be due to certain medications.

• Estrogen imbalance

Estrogen is another important hormone for deciding reproduction capacity in the women. The right balance of estrogen means you are able to maintain an optimal capacity of fertility, while deficiency of estrogen prevents ovulating by not allowing the thickening of uterine lining, which is needed for conceive successfully.

• Lutenizing hormone imbalance

Lutenizing Hormone (LH) is secreted by the pituitary grand and it regulates periods as well as ovulation. The tests of lutenizing hormone are conducted to know the ovarian reserve. High level of LH indicates the condition of menopause, while its low level represents the lack of proper period cycle. So, a disturbed period certainly causes fertility problems that may be even for the short time.

Treatment hormonal imbalance:

The first and foremost step for the diagnosis of hormonal imbalance is blood test within 3 to 5 days of period. Blood test is needed to ascertain the amount of ovarian reserve (number of eggs left in the ovary). Check-ups of your thyroid function, progesterone level, estrogen levels, LH levels and prolactin levels are necessary if hormonal imbalance is suspected for infertility. An ultrasound scan is also carried out to see the potential eggs. Urine test can also be conducted to know if there is urinary tract infection behind the infertility.

Medication to improve hormonal balance:

There are several fertility-enhancing drugs that include Clompiphene and gonadotropins. Bromocriptine is especially prescribed to optimize prolactin levels and thus reduce the hormonal imbalance that could lead to infertility. They stimulate the production capacity of the pituitary gland. Women with PCOS can take insulin-sensitizing medications like glucophage to improve glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.

Home treatment for hormonal imbalance:

The hormonal imbalance can be treated by adjusting the diet. Emphasize more on food supplements, fish, nuts, beans, eggs, coconut oil, omega-3 fatty acid and green vegetables. Some lifestyle related changes are required to combat infertility problems, such as:

• Avoid red meat and processed foods
• Avoid High Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fats
• Limit the caffeine
• Give up smoking, alcohol and haphazard eating habit
• Avoid Toxins
• Take full sleep
• Regular exercise
• Take help of yoga, meditation and deep breathing


The optimum level of hormone is not the only indicator of healthy body, rather your body and mind can function well even if there is a slight hormonal imbalance. When it comes to women, hormone level is still a cause of concern, especially in the cases of fertility. It’s possible that hormonal imbalance can lead to infertility, but it can be diagnosed without spending too much. The simplest and the most effective treatments are in your hand. Follow a healthy lifestyle to settle the hormonal issues.

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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