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HCG Injections Instructions

HCG Injections Instructions

The type of procedure for injecting gonadotropins varies with the type, dosing, and timing of ovulation induction. The protocol largely depends on the situation of the person and preferences of the clinician. The instructions given below are an example and may differ from which your doctor gives you.

HCG injections for women

Different women respond differently to gonadotropin injections. Some women require only small doses of gonadotropins while other women require large doses of the same. In case of an average patient, the greater the dose of the gonadotropins, the greater the possibility of fertility. Most healthcare providers choose to initiate with small doses of gonadotropins.

If the cycle is cancelled, you should stop the injections and follow up with your healthcare provider.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections for men

Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) works by prompting the testes to produce testosterone and sperm.

Treatment of infertility using Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections requires 1500 to 2000 IU, about three times a week for a period of upto six months. Your blood testosterone levels will be examined from time to time by and adjusted if needed by your doctor.

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