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Important Nutrients Every Man Needs!

We all know that good health is largely dependent on good nutrition. A good diet is one that consists of nutrients that enhance our physical and mental capabilities. Good food is the main source of health and nutrition. Vitamins and supplements only act as substitutes. A nutrient dense diet encourages long life, prevents diseases and deformities and helps in fast recovery from different illnesses. To maintain a steady weight and good health, one must eat healthy diet. Our body requires fuel and building blocks for creating energy, which is needed for metabolism, removal of wastes and improving immunity. A nutritious diet also works for execution of our digestive, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems. Every part of the body require specific nutrients. Like brain needs carbohydrates, fatty acids, iron, iodine and some B-12 vitamins for its effective functioning. For making bones strong enough, calcium and boron are required. Nutrient are required by not only women but also men. Men too need proper amount of nutrients to improve their sex life.

Common deficiency of nutrients in men

The study showed that 77 percent of men do not consume enough magnesium whereas some lack vitamin D. Low vitamin D is an important factor leading to the risk of erectile dysfunction. People deficient in Vitamin D are more likely to get heart attack or stroke, and it also reduces inflammation in the arteries. Vitamin D can be taken from fish, eggs, fortified milk and cod liver oil.

Vitamin D is a good nutrient that increases the flow of calcium into the blood stream and promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphates from the food in the intestines. It also lowers the risk of certain cancers, high blood pressure and heart diseases. You can check your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D by asking health specialist. One needs to be above 30 nanograms per milliliter according to a professor of medicine at Boston University. 1400 IU (International units) of vitamin D can be taken daily in the from of supplements and multivitamins, which is seven times more than daily recommended vitamin D dosage. Magnesium is another nutrient which is involved in more than 300 bodily processes. Low level of magnesium increases blood level of C-reactive protein and according to nutrition survey, men consume only 80 percent of the recommended 400 milligrams of magnesium in a day. Without magnesium every cell of the body has to battle for generating energy. Where a woman requires calcium for preventing osteoporosis, one in every four men over age 50 get osteoporosis related fracture in his lifetime which shows that men’s requirement of nutritional needs is often over looked. Lack of nutrition often impacts male reproductive health. Erectile dysfunction is one of the problems which is associated with inadequate diet and lifestyle.

Nutrition and Erectile dysfunction(ED)

Erectile dysfunction can be caused due to impaired circulation, emotional stress, prescribed drugs and most importantly, improper nutrition. Sometimes impotence is the result of vascular disease. A diet and change in lifestyle can help to prevent the problem. Even the study says that that low fat and low cholesterol diet when combined with exercise has improved sexual function in 31% of impotent men in comparison with 5% in a control group.

There are some neglected nutrients which every man should consider and make part of their daily diet to enjoy sex life.

Fiber – It has been recommended by the Institute of Medicine that men lying between 19-50 years of age should consume 38 grams of fiber daily. A fiber rich food keeps the heart strong, controls cholesterol and provides protection from diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. One can add fiber as a snack on fruits and vegetables and toppings on salad with beans. One can try this easy recipe at home.

Potassium – A study given by Dr. Doumas proved that there is a strong relation between high blood pressure and moderately high blood pressure (pre-hypertensive) men. Foods that are rich in potassium are effective in reducing high blood pressure and enhancing erectile performance too. Erectile dysfunction and hypertension are related to each other. Potassium is an important mineral and electrolyte that helps in contracting muscles and controls activities of heart. It is known that every man should consume 4700 mg of potassium daily. Foods rich in potassium include: fresh fruits and vegetables, dried apricots, yogurt, fish, salmon, avocados and mushrooms.

Vitamin A – Vitamin A is a good nutrient that keeps our vision and immune system in check. Vitamin A is available in two forms- retinol and carotenoids. According to the National Health and Nutrition Survey, we consume only 50% of vitamin A. One can add orange, red and yellow pepper to the omelette or carrots to make it a nutritional diet for lunch. Even a cup of cantaloupe is beneficial in providing 100% of daily recommended nutrient intake. One can also add toppings of wedges cantaloupe with cottage cheese and some almonds for a solid meal along with protein, fats, fiber and vitamin A.

Zinc – Zinc is one of the most important nutrients which has good immune boosting properties and has several health benefits. Zinc is found in every tissue of the body and is involved in cell division. Not only is it a powerful antioxidant and prevents cancer but also is very much needed to maintain hormone levels. Zinc is essential for the male prostate functioning. Low amount of zinc impairs testosterone production and increase risk of prostate cancer. Inadequate zinc in body causes male infertility and low libido. Foods rich in zinc are: sesame seeds, oysters, peanuts, beef liver, garlic, red meat, mushrooms, flaxseeds, kidney beans, crabs and brown rice.

Lack of nutrients like vitamin A, D, zinc, iron and fiber affects reproductive health. Erectile dysfunction due to lack of nutrition is a curse for life long. A man can also rely on ED drugs if there is problem of erectile dysfunction. ED pills are designed for treating male erectile dysfunction and the most common ED medicine are known as Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE) inhibitors. The best ED medication includes:

These drugs are approved by USFDA and aids smooth erection. Apart from this, a man can try male supplements which are designed to provide more sexual pleasure during intercourse. Male enhancement supplements are readily available in the market and aims to give larger and powerful erection.

Final words

Erectile dysfunction affects up to 20 million men in America. Causes of ED could be due to high blood pressure, arterial disease, inadequate nutrients and lifestyle changes. Low amount of Zinc and vitamin D in the diet could lead to male infertility. It is really essential that men must take proper nutrients to make their sexual life worth living.

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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