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How To Stop Snoring : -Prevention, Cures, Solutions And Remedies:

Sleep is necessary for a healthy lifestyle and mental stability. When a person doesn’t get proper sleep for a long time, it is considered a sleep disorder. Various common sleep disorders include snoring, insomnia, sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea, and sleep deprivation.

One of the most common sleep disorders is snoring; this blog will describe snoring in more detail.

More about snoring

Snoring is a condition that can affect anyone. Snoring is defined as the vibration of the respiratory structures due to obstructed air movement during breathing while sleeping, which results in sound. Soft sounds categorize snoring but can be loud and unpleasant in various cases. It worsens as age progresses, and it has also been reported that men develop the problem of snoring more as compared to women, and overweight people are at higher risk of developing snoring problems. Snoring in sleep is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and is a factor of sleep deprivation.

Sleep apnea is a life-threatening condition that causes breathing obstruction. Normal snoring doesn’t interfere with the quality of sleep. But if you feel extremely tired and sleepy during the day, your problem may be more than just snoring and require immediate medical attention.

What causes snoring?

Snoring happens when the person cannot inhale/exhale freely through the nose and mouth during sleep. It is often caused by the narrowing of airways, either due to poor sleep abnormalities or posture of the soft tissues in the throat. Narrow airways get in the way of smooth breathing and create the sound of snoring. Below are various causes of snoring:

  1. Age – Age plays a major role in snoring; in middle age or beyond, the throat becomes narrower, muscle tone decreases, and snoring problems develop.
  1. How you’re built – Men have narrower air passages and are likelier to develop snoring problems than women due to a narrow throat, enlarged adenoids, and other physical attributes contributing to snoring. Moreover, snoring problems are often hereditary.
  1. Nasal and sinus problems– People having blocked airways create a vacuum in the throat, which leads to snoring.
  1. Being overweight or out of shape: Overweight people develop fatty tissues and poor muscle tone, which contribute to snoring.
  1. Poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue – Sometimes, the throat and tongue muscles are relaxed, allowing them to collapse and fall back into the airway, which results in snoring.
  1. Alcohol, smoking, and medications – Alcohol consumption, smoking, and certain medications, including sleeping pills, increase muscle relaxation and lead to snoring.
  1. Sleep posture – Sleeping positions or posture matter, and sleeping flat on your back may cause the flesh of the throat to relax and block the airways, resulting in snoring.

Additionally, various health risks and other complications associated with snoring exist, including strain on the heart due to obstructive sleep apnea, heart enlargement with higher risks of heart attack and stroke, and high blood pressure; furthermore, snoring leads to drowsiness during the day, interfering with the quality of life at work and increasing the risk of road accidents.

Snoring – Prevention, Cures, Solutions And Remedies:

Occasional snoring is not a serious issue, but it is not good when it becomes a habit. You are not only the culprit behind your partner’s sleep but also in danger of impairing your sleep quality. Therefore, to overcome snoring problems, medical assistance and other remedies are needed to get a good night’s sleep. Below are some general tips that can be implied:

Self-help cures or remedies to stop snoring:

You can try to change your lifestyle, which may be effective in stopping your snoring problems. These include:

Bedtime remedies to stop snoring:


Throat exercises to stop snoring:

Mouth and throat exercises are very effective. By strengthening airway and tongue muscles and encouraging breathing through the nose, they could improve obstructive sleep apnea and reduce or stop snoring.

There are various ways you can do to stop snoring; these are:


Medical cures, solutions, and treatments for snoring:

Visit a doctor or a medical professional if you find a change in your attention or memory, excessive daytime drowsiness, morning headaches, or episodes of not breathing (apnea). Your doctor will suggest the proper medical treatments, including:

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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