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Are you suffering from Sleep Apnea?

Sound sleep is a necessity of every individual. When your sleep is disrupted by any factor, it is a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders are changes in the pattern of sleeping. Daytime sleepiness, irregular breathing, increased movement during sleep, difficulty to sleep and abnormal sleep behaviours are all signs of sleep disorders. Good sleep is important for our physical and mental health whereas any interruption affects our overall health, safety and quality of life. We tend to feel more tired, fatigued and irritated due to sleep disturbances. Any one from a young child to an adult can develop a sleep disorder, be it short term or long term. Insomnia, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, bed-wetting and sleep apnea are some common sleep disorders.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder in which causes irregular breathing. It results in breathing pauses that typically lasts for a few seonds. This disorder completely blocks the airflow. In sleep apnea, sleep is disrupted by inadequate breathing and poor level of oxygen in the blood. Snoring and a general feeling of tirednes after a full night’s sleep are signs of getting sleep apnea. Some risk factors for sleep apnea include:


Decline in blood oxygen level and lack of quality sleep can activate the release of stress hormones. These hormones can lead to an increased risk of hypertension, heart attack, stroke and arrhythmias. If sleep apnea remains untreated, the person becomes obese and gets diabetes as well.

These are some risk factors that increase the chance of developing sleep apnea but one must know that this sleeping disorder can affect children as well. Sleep apnea is categorised into two main types, obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.


In case, you find that you have sleep apnea, try to see a doctor immediately because treatment is of utmost important to avoid any heart problem or other complications. Symptoms of sleep apnea must be reduced to live a better life in future.

Sleep apnea symptoms

Sometimes the symptoms of both obstructive and central sleep apnea overlap. So, the common signs of both the types include:

The patient can also suffer from poor concentration, anxiety, mood swings, irritation and depression. Adult male can suffer from erectile dysfunction and his sex drive may also decrease. Hypertension, weight gain and increased urination are some other symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea test

The specialist will make an evaluation based on the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea. The tests involved to detect sleep apnea are:

In case of obstructive sleep apnea, the doctor would advise you to visit a ear, nose and throat doctor to correct any blockage in the throat or nose. A cardiologist or the doctor specialising in the nervous system (neurologist) would be needed to look for the causes of central sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea treatment

Sleep apnea can be treated well by changing lifestyle, mouth pieces, breathing devices and surgery.



Sleep deprivation is a condition in which a man is unable to sleep. Lack of sleep affects our normal day to day working. A sleep deprived person always struggles during office hours. Sleep deprivation can also affect sex life. Insomnia, sleep apnea, bedwetting, snoring and teeth grinding are some sleep disorders common among children and adults. Having dry mouth and morning headache are symptoms of sleep apnea. One must consult a doctor and get sleep apnea diagnosed to avoid sleepless nights in the future.
Know anyone who’s experiencing sleepless nights? Do share this blog with them. Also, post comments to clear any health-related doubts you may have.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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