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How to tackle Alcohol Addiction?

No party is complete without drugs or alcohol. Drinking one or two glasses of wine or beer occasionally is understandable. The real problem arises when alcohol is taken in excess. Drug or alcohol abuse typically leads to issues at work, home, school, and society. Both substances can be addictive, and it is not true that everyone who consumes alcohol will become addicted. But, some people may be more susceptible to addiction. It should be kept in mind that alcohol addiction and abuse are not the same.

Alcohol addiction:

Alcohol depresses the brain, slurs speech, and decreases muscle control and coordination, which may lead to alcoholism or alcohol addiction. Some people start consuming it just for fun, enjoyment and as a stress reduction method. But if, this occasional drinking turns into a permanent habit, then it is said that the person is an alcoholic.

Alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition. Moreover, continuous consumption of alcohol disrupts the lives of users and their families. According to the World Health Organization, about 140 million people throughout the world suffer from alcoholism. It has also been reported that in the United States alone, 10 to 20 % of men and 5 to 10 % of women got addicted to alcohol at some point in their lives.

Signs of alcoholism:

It is a saying that excess of anything is bad. This applies in the case of alcohol because untreated alcohol usage may progress to addiction, which is characterized by dependency and inability to stop consumption despite serious problems. Signs and symptoms of alcohol dependence that also prove you are an alcoholic:

Quitting alcohol addiction:

Drinking too much alcohol on a single occasion or over time can take a serious toll on your health. Isn’t that reason enough to kick the habit? Stopping alcohol abuse is important because alcohol withdrawal is a life-threatening condition that occurs in people who have been drinking heavily for weeks, months, or years. Moreover, alcohol withdrawal can cause anxiety, irregular heartbeat, and hallucinations. In some severe cases, withdrawing alcohol combined with malnutrition may lead to a life-threatening condition called delirium tremens (DTs). The mortality rate from DTs is characterized by confusion, rapid heartbeat, and fever, which is estimated to 1% to 5%.

Regular use of alcohol leads to addiction, leading to damage to the liver, heart, and pancreas. But, quitting alcohol may help drinkers in living a better life. Yes, heavy drinkers think that quitting is impossible for them. But it is not, if they are ready to quit drinking and willing to get support they need, they can recover from alcoholism. Below are various tips on giving up alcohol:

Treating alcohol addiction needs willpower and patience. Some people stop drinking on their own, while others need medical help. Generally, alcoholism treatment can begin only after the drinker accepts that the problem exists and decides to stop drinking on his own. Treatment involves various stages; these are: Deification (detox):

Alcohol detoxification is an important step in the management of alcoholism. During this stage, the patient is administered under the supervision of a doctor or a medical team, who supervises the period of alcohol withdrawal to control the withdrawal symptoms. Basically, detoxification is needed immediately after discontinuing alcohol usage, as detox may result in withdrawal seizures like hallucinations and delirium tremens (DT) and, in some cases, may cause death.

Medications involving Benzodiazepines and anti-anxiety drugs are used to treat withdrawal symptoms like anxiety and insomnia. These help in preventing seizures and delirium. Benzodiazepines are the most effective and frequently preferred medications during the detox phase.

Alcohol rehab programs:

Rehabilitation centers run various programs and counseling. This step in treatment can be done, inpatient or outpatient.

The recovery period is an important phase in every quitter’s life. Rehab or professional treatment educates you about the ill effects of alcohol and suggests hobbies and personal counseling sessions to curb the habit. Recovering alcoholics can follow the below-mentioned steps:

Quitting alcohol completely or cutting down alcohol consumption can bring about a positive change in your lifestyle. Additionally, in the long run, quitting may help in reducing the risk of developing cancer, liver or heart disease and also lowering your blood pressure.

If you happen to know anyone who’s struggling with alcoholism, then please share this blog with them. Also, post comments if you have any health queries.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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