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Thalassemia- A Threatening Blood Disorder

If you get hurt, you bleed and to stop the bleeding your body forms a blood clot. Platelets and proteins are widely known as clotting factors, which every human body needs. If a person does not have enough platelets or clotting factors then he/she may be suffering from blood disorder. Bleeding disorders may be the result of various other diseases, they can also be inherited. Some of the bleeding disorder types are:

Here in this blog, we are going to discuss the brief account on Thalassemia. It a blood disorder which genetically inherited through parents in which the body makes an abnormal form of haemoglobin or red blood cells that carries oxygen. This blood disorder is originated in the Mediterranean region and is caused by the destruction of the red blood cells, which leads to anaemia and fatigue. An estimated 18,000 deaths occurred in the year 2010 globally due to thalassemia.

It has been reported in the United Nations study that the Maldives has the highest incidence of thalassemia in the world with 18% of the population. An estimated 16% of people in Cyprus and 3% to 8% of populations from India, China, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Pakistan are on the prevalence of thalassemia. Moreover, thalassemia also occurs in descendants of people from Latin America and other coastal regions.

Thalassemia causes and types:

Excessive destruction of red blood cells in thalassemia leads to anaemia, a disorder in which the body doesn’t produce normal or healthy red blood cells (RBCs). Basically, Haemoglobin is composed of protein chains including two α and two β globin chains. Two types including causes of thalassemia are:

Alpha and beta thalessemia include thalassemia major, which occurs when gene’s defect inherit from both parents. Whereas, thalassemia minor occur, when the infected person receive the faulty gene only from one parent.

What are the symptoms of thalassemia?

Basic symptom of developing thalassemia is lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. It occurs, when the body is not able to produce enough healthy red blood cells and haemoglobin. But, the severity of symptoms depends on the severity of the disorder. Some of the signs and symptoms of thalassemia are mentioned below:

Further, the most severe sign of thalassemia is stillbirth, which means the death of the unborn baby during birth.

Complications of thalassemia:

In every disease there are complications involved but better treatments nowadays helps people in curing their disease and allows them to live much longer. People suffering from moderate and severe thalassemia must cope up with the below mentioned complications that occur over time, these are:

Treatment of thalassemia:

Treatment of any disease totally depends on the type and condition of it. As in the case of thalassemia it depends on which type you have and how severe it is. There are various treatment options of thalassemia, which are mentioned below:

Lifestyle and remedies:

To cure or lower the symptoms of any disease, there is a definite law that the patient has to make a change in his/her lifestyle and also try to implement some remedies too. Some of the lifestyle changes and remedies are mentioned below:

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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