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Yoga, a practice that benefits both body and mind

What is yoga?

Yoga derives its name from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”, which means union of the individual soul with the universal spirit. Many people think that yoga is nothing more than a form of physical exercise that involves twisting, stretching, turning and breathing in complex ways.

And while it is an excellent way to improve flexibility and strength, yoga is much more than physical exercises. Yoga unfolds the infinite potential of the human mind and soul through different asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and by focusing on specific body parts.

No one is too young or old to avail of the benefits of yoga, as its primary goal is to provide moksha (liberation). Anyone can do yoga as it is a practice varied enough to suit individual needs.

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Different types of yoga

From athletes to adults, children to seniors, anyone can do yoga. It can be adapted to suit any level of fitness.

There are various types of yoga to choose from. That includes:

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Different poses of yoga

It is not imperative that you perform intense yoga to get the utmost benefits. Even basic exercises can give you results. Here are some yoga poses for beginners:

Various benefits of yoga

Doing Yoga is an excellent way to stay healthy as it builds strength, awareness and harmony between body and mind. The benefits of yoga are enormous, and can be easily availed by incorporating the practice into your daily life.

Here are some of the benefits of yoga:

Yoga isn’t an expensive practice. You can do it on your own without spending a hefty amount on trainers and gym instructors. All you need is a yoga mat and YouTube, where you will find every desired pose to get into shape.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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