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The 4 Types of Acne and How to Treat Them All

If you suffer from acne, you are not alone. It is one of the most common conditions faced by millions of people all across the globe. However, once you have determined the type of acne you have, there are many acne treatment methods that help to prevent its occurrence in future.

1. Comedonal acne – When the natural oil in the skin is too thick, it gets blocked and clogs the pores. It results in blackheads. It sets the stage for comedonal acne. You can steam your skin at home a couple of times every week to help open the pores and get rid of the debris clogging the pores.

This type of acne appears as small bumps all over your skin and is more concentrated in the T-zone. It is quite easy to treat comedonal acne. Your skin expert can guide you about the best medication to treat this kind of acne. A piece of advice: avoid using makeup that are heavy and can clog your pores.

2. Hormonal acne – Hormonal acne happens to women who are in their late 20s or 30s. A drop in the levels of estrogen is responsible for this kind of acne. Birth control pills can effectively work to rebalance the hormones. Sometimes these breakouts can occur around the chin, mouth and jaw area and it can worsen the week before your period. You can consult your dermatologist to guide you about the acne treatment methods you can adopt to deal with this kind of acne. Here you can check some Acne cream contains tretion cream/Get online at best price.

Whiteheads – When the flat acne on the face becomes infected or inflamed, it leads to a bumpy acne. Spot treatment can help to reduce the redness around the infected area.

3. Inflammatory acne – This type of acne tends to be more common in men. The reason is ascribed to high testosterone levels that lead to more oil production. To keep it under control, wash the skin at least twice daily and focus on oil control.

4. Cystic acne – Cystic acne is small boils that appear under the surface of the skin. It is a scarring kind of acne that has deep inflammation of the skin. It can be severe and it is best to start treating it as early as possible. With the right treatment, the acne becomes less inflamed and more manageable. Your dermatologist can guide you about the best oral and topical acne treatment antibiotics for your particular condition.

Cystic acne also happens when there is a bacterial infection clogging the skin pores. It is hard to get rid of cystic acne but it can be treated. To treat this type of acne, best is not to let the oil glands become blocked in the first place.

A final word of advice: Never prick your acne. This can worsen the acne and scar your face. Avoid using the extractor tool as it is not sterile and can lead to infections.

Waiting for acne to fade away on its own can be time-consuming and frustrating. Further, it may worsen the condition. Without proper acne treatment, it can lead to permanent scars, depression, low self esteem and anxiety. To avoid all these, it is best to treat your acne as soon as possible. Your dermatologist will tell you when to stop your treatment to prevent breakouts.

To diagnose acne, your dermatologist will examine your skin thoroughly to arrive at a conclusion; he or she will grade the acne as per its severity and note the type of acne to prescribe the best way to treat it. There are several effective acne treatment ways available. However, keep in mind that no treatment can give results overnight. It takes at least a couple of weeks to see any noticeable improvement on your skin. Once your skin clears out, you must continue to take preventive steps to avoid future recurrence of acne.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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