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Main Side Effects of Champix

champix side effects

Champix is a pharmaceutical drug available in the form of the tablet that you take for 12 weeks to quit smoking. It is a medicine that acts by reducing your cravings for a cigarette and the unpleasant feeling when you don’t smoke. The regular intake of Champix for 12 weeks blocks the effects of nicotine that is present in cigarette and tobacco. This action will reduce the satisfaction that you get from smoke and ultimately you don’t enjoy it as much.

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In addition to benefits, Champix has unwanted effects that may be caused by the active component of the product known as Varenicline. Medical attention may require if any side effect occurs related to the usage of Champix.

Major side effects:

One should always check with the physician if any of these adverse effects develops during the Champix treatment.

Less common:

Rare effects

Minor side effects:

You may not need medical attention for some side effects that may develop with Champix (Varenicline). Once your body adapted to Varenicline treatment, these unwanted effects may disappear by its own. You can also discuss with your physician about ways to reduce or prevents some side effects that continue to bother you for a long time.

Common side effects:

Some less common effects:

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