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What is hyperpigmentation – its causes and how to fix it?

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The question of – what is hyperpigmentation plagues people all over the world. It is a type of skin discoloration that affects certain areas of the body. This discoloration can be diffuse or focal and is caused due to excess melanin production by melanocytes. The overactive nature of these cells can be triggered due to certain diseases, hormonal imbalance, over-exposure to the sun, and some types of chemicals. The remedies for this condition, however, are simple and straightforward. Lemon juice, aloe vera, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and even potato pieces are found to be effective to reduce this disorder’s effects.

Skin Color and Hyperpigmentation

What is hyperpigmentation and what causes it? The distinctive color of the human skin, hair, and nails are attributed to the melanin content in the body. Melanin is a pigment that is produce by cells that are called melanocytes. It has a direct correlation with the shade of the skin, i.e. more melanin causes a darker skin tone and a light skin tone is due to lesser melanin. Exposure to the sun increases the melanin output causing a darker shade as the cells get inflamed due to the UV rays present in the sunlight. But due to constant forays into and out of sunlight, the melanocytes sometimes reset themselves into a more active state causing skin discoloration. These darkened patches are known as liver spots or lentigenes. Hyperpigmentation can affect anyone, but African-American men are more likely to suffer from it. Incorrect shaving is also attributed to make a person more prone to skin discoloration.

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Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a type of skin discoloration that can have either internal or external causes. Internal causes for this type of skin pigmentation disorder can be pregnancy, or hormonal imbalance. Certain diseases such as Addison’s, Cushing’s, Porphyria, Haemochromatosis, and many others, also can cause hyperpigmentation. External causes of this skin disorder are excess exposure to sunlight, injury, burns, emotional stress or even contact with some types of chemicals such as salicylic acid, bleomycin, and cisplatin. Acne vulgaris, birth control pills or even dermatological laser procedures gone bad are also some of the known causes for this disorder.

Some Remedies to Fix Skin Discoloration

This type of skin discoloration can be prevented by changing the method of shaving or by using anti-inflammatory ingredients such as aloe vera. Home remedies can also be undertaken to reduce skin discoloration, such as:

Conclusion: When discussing what hyperpigmentation is, it is quite evident now that extra-active melanocytes produce excess melanin for a darker shade of skin. These discolored patches should fade from the body over time. The speed of fading can be supplemented by staying well-hydrated and the various home remedies mentioned.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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