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Blackcurrants can reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and Parkinson’s disease

Blackcurrant is very healthy. In fact, it is more nutritious than many other fruits including bananas and mangoes. Several studies have shown that it is excellent to reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

Blackcurrents: the superfruit

Blackcurrant has rightly earned its place among the “super” fruits available in the market today. The history of blackcurrants goes back several hundred years. There are various helath benefits of this meagical berry, some of them are explained below:

• Records show that it was used extensively by our ancestors to deal with liver ailments, bladder stones, coughs, and lung issues.

• Blackcurrants have been shown to enable the body to save itself from a wide range of infections and diseases. They are grown mostly for their high levels of anthocyanins, which offer excellent protection against an array of illnesses. While they are found fresh during the season, it is available throughout the year in the form of juices, frozen fruit, yogurts and cordials.

• Some studies reveal that people who consumed berries had significantly decreased levels of Alanine Aminotransferase (ALAT). A high level of the substance usually shows a damaged liver. The berry also positively impacts the happy chemicals in the brain known as dopamine and serotonin. Research has proven that blackcurrants can enhance mood, improve energy levels and fight symptoms of Parkinson’s and depression.

• The berry is more nutritious than many other exotic fruits including blueberries and goji berries. It has been found that the blackcurrant comprises more minerals, antioxidants and Vitamins than at least 20 other fruits tested.

• The high levels of antioxidants in the fruit means that it is potent to fight an array of ailments including diabetes, Alzheimer’s, cancer, eye strain, heart disease, MRSA and among other ailments.

• Blackcurrants are a great source of Vitamin C and studies have shown that taking foods rich in Vitamin C enables the body to develop immunity against infections. The fruit also carries significant amounts of Vitamin A, which is needed to maintain the integrity of skin and mucous. It is required for a healthy vision. It also provides protection against lung and oral cancers.

• Blackcurrants are a rich source of many Vitamins including Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6), Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5), and Thiamin (Vitamin B-1). In addition, the berries are a great source of some other essential minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, and potassium, which are very essential for body metabolism.

• The berry is loaded with flavonoids that are very good for promoting cardiovascular health. It also comprises plenty of omega 3 which is very good for overall health. The berry has been proven to decrease bad cholesterol in the body and increase the good cholesterol levels. It enhances blood flow towards the heart and decreases risk of stroke, hypertension and heart attacks.

The root cause of cancer is the free radicals. The antioxidants present in the berry are able to neutralize the effect of the free radicals. The latter are damaging substances for the body. The fruit contains plenty of phytonutrient, antioxidants and tannins that help to prevent inflammation of the stomach, intestine and cardiovascular system.

• Blackcurrant is rich in iron and this helps to increase the production of the red blood cells in the body. As it is a good source of Vitamin C, the berry increases the capacity of the body to absorb iron. It is also excellent to protect the skin against several skin issues including psoriasis and eczema.

• Blackcurrant doesn’t just taste great; it also offers your body important nutrients that protect your body from a range of illnesses and aging. It helps considerably to reduce diabetes risk. Taking blackcurrants regularly is good for the memory. It protects the brain from the free radicals due to its anti-oxidant properties. It also helps avoid deterioration of brain cells or tissues

With so many health benefits, it is no surprise that it is one of the best miracle foods available in the market today. If you are looking to reduce the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, blackcurrants is an excellent choice.

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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