Posid 50mg


Etoposide Tablet

SKU 1495
Generic For Etoposid
Strength 50mg
Generic Name Etoposid
Manufacturer Cadila
Pack Size Qty Price Per Pill or Unit Price Cart
8 Capsule/s US$ 1.51 US$ 12.10
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Posid 50 mg (Etoposide)

Etoposide is the main active ingredient present in the drug Posid 50 mg. Etoposide is a cytotoxic metastatic tumor drug that belongs to the topoisomerase substance drug category. It's employed in kind of its salt etoposide phosphate. It's on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines, the foremost necessary medications required during a primary health system.

Posid general Information

What is Posid used for?

Posid 50 mg is employed as one of the varieties of therapy for cancers like Kaposi’s cancer, sarcoma, carcinoma, seminoma, lymphoma, nonlymphocytic leukaemia, and brain tumour multiform. It's usually given together with different medication (such as bleomycin in treating gonad cancer). It's additionally generally utilized in a learning program before a bone marrow or blood vegetative cell transplant.

Where t buy Posid online?

Etoposide drug combination is available in the form of capsule only under onestrengthnamely:

  • Posid – 50 mg

You can easily buy Posid 50 mg capsule online from our website Premiumrxdrugs.com at a very reasonable price.

What does Posid contain?

This injection contains Etoposide as the primary active ingredient.

What are the side effects of  Posid?

Some of the most common side effects related to the consumption of this drug are inflammation, itching, rashes, weight gain, profuse sweating, vertigo, problems in breathing, suffocation, dark urine, increased heart palpitation, cough, cold, nausea, vomiting, puffy face and neck, dizziness, change of vision, dull skin, and paralysis.

What medication interact with Posid?

Avoid consuming this drug along with bumetanide, furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, gentamycin, tobramycin, amphotericin B, ibuprofen, tacrolimus, vancomycin.While using this medication, you ought to not be treated with alternative bisphosphonates, together with alternative brands of Etoposide accustomed forestall or treat bone loss (osteoporosis).

Always consult your physician and pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines, which are not prescribed such as herbal tonics, supplements, and medications

When should Posid drug not be used?

  • Posid 50 mg should not be used if the patient is allergic to the composition of this drug
  • This medication should not be prescribed to children below ten years of age
  • Please consult your doctor before taking this medicine if you are planning to conceive or you are lactating women

How should Posid be taken?

This medication should be consumed orally with sufficient amount of water. Do not crush or chew the capsule. Swallow it as a whole pill. When you buy this drug online from our website premiumrxdrugs.com, make sure to keep a note of all the instructions and precautions to be followed. If you still have any query do consult your physician and do as instructed.

How long should Posid be used?

Use this medication as per the prescription of your doctor. The initial dose of this medication for adults is 3 to 4 times every day. Do not stop taking this medicine without the consent of your doctor even if your symptoms are subsided.

Missed dose of Posid drug

If you have missed a dose take is as soon as you remember. Please avoid taking any dose if it is already the time to take the next dose.

How should Posid drug be stored?

Store this medicationin a cool, dry place and out of the reach of your children and pets.  Medicines must not be used past the expiry date. Dispose of the wrapper properly. Do not refrigerate the drug.




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