What are the Active Ingredients in Champix

by | Jul 8, 2017 | anti-smoking | 0 comments

Tobacco and cigarettes contain nicotine, which is a powerfully addictive drug. Your body becomes used to the effects of nicotine drug. When you cut back, quit or go without it, your body requires adjustment, which can be called as nicotine withdrawal. This withdrawal can begin as soon as half an hour after you last smoke or use tobacco. Nicotine withdrawal can cause:

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Depression
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Increased appetite
  • Tobacco Craving
  • Sleeplessness

Many medicines claim to increase your chances of quitting smoking or tobacco use, but none of them are effective in real. Champix is a medication that comes out to be the most effective one amongst all other anti-smoking medications. The medicine contains Varenicline as the active ingredient, which not only increases the chances of quitting smoking or reducing your tobacco use but also helps with withdrawal symptoms.

Champix 0.5mg and 1mg

                             Champix starter 0.5mg and 1mg

Your health care professional will help you decide if Champix (Varenicline) is suitable for you, and if yes, then which dose you need. He/she will be the person who will decide how long you need to take it and if you should take it in combination with other smoking cessation medications to improve your condition.

Mode of action of Varenicline

Varenicline, the active component of Champix exerts its mode of action in two ways:

  • It makes smoking and tobacco use less satisfying as compared to earlier
  • It decreases the cravings and other withdrawal symptoms

Note: You need a prescription for this anti-smoking drugs. In case you have any medical conditions or are pregnant or a nursing mother, make sure that you inform your healthcare professional before you begin the treatment.

Usage instructions

The medication needs to be taken as directed by the healthcare professional. It is recommended to start taking the pill 8 to 14 days before you set a quit date or quit smoking and tobacco 8 to 35 days after starting the treatment. You can take your Varenicline pill to cut on issues associated with stomach upset. You are not supposed to chew or crush the pills. Don’t worry if you miss taking the pill, leave the missed dose and take the next one at the scheduled time. Remember, once you have stopped smoking or quit tobacco use, continue taking the medicine according to your healthcare professional’s instructions. Don’t take if you are younger than 17 years old.

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