Asthma- Learn to live with it

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Asthma | 0 comments

Asthma is a lifelong chronic lung disease that affects the airways of a person. An asthmatic has to live with asthma every day as there is no cure for it, but the symptoms can be controlled and easily managed.

Asthma is a serious health problem that interferes with daily activities by narrowing the airways of the lungs, and by producing extra mucus. The condition may be found in people of all ages, although the severity of asthma symptoms varies from person to person. Difficulty in breathing, coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath are some of the common symptoms of asthma. These symptoms may sometimes even lead to an asthma attack that can be life-threatening.

In order to cope with the condition, you will have to work round the clock with your doctor. You’ll have to seek advice from your doctor regarding what to do when your signs and symptoms worsen and when you need emergency asthma treatment. Below are various treatment options that your doctor may recommend you to curb the asthma symptoms.

Treatment and medications for asthma:

The pivotal step which an asthmatic patient should take to avoid factors that trigger the attack is undergoing proper asthma treatment and medications. With effective asthma treatment, you can live long with this condition. However, inadequately controlled asthma will put you in serious danger and may even send you to the hospital emergency room, or even an ICU. So for adequate treatment of asthma, you will have to find an experienced health care provider that you can trust and feel comfortable with visiting on a regular basis. Your doctor is the only person, who will work with you to help and manage your condition. He/she may create an asthma action plan for you in writing. The asthma action plan consists of information regarding when to take medications or when to increase or decrease the dose of the medications depending on the symptoms. Your asthma action plan also includes a list of triggers and steps you need to take to avoid them.

Asthma medications:

Your doctor prescribes you asthma medications depending on a number of things,  including symptoms, triggers and precautionary measures to keep your asthma under control. There are two kinds of asthma drugs that people use to treat their conditions. These include medicines that provide quick relief and medicines that bring long-term relief.

Quick relief medications- Medication plays a vital role in saving someone’s life. Quick relief medications are lifesaving drugs that prevent asthma attacks by reducing swelling and mucus production in the airways. These drugs are widely prescribed by doctors to provide instant and short-term symptom relief during an asthma attack. Some of the quick-relief medications include:

• Short-acting beta agonists- These drugs start showing effects within minutes by rapidly easing the symptoms during an asthma attack. Short-acting beta agonists include Albuterol,  Levalbuterol, and Pirbuterol. These medications can be easily taken using a portable, hand-held inhaler or a nebulizer.

•  Ipratropium– Ipratropium acts immediately by relaxing your airways and allows you to breathe easier. This medication is widely preferred by doctors to treat chronic bronchitis, but sometimes it is also used to treat asthma attacks.

• Oral and intravenous corticosteroids- These short-term medications include prednisone and methylprednisolone which relieve airway inflammation caused by severe asthma.

Long-term medications:

Long-term asthma medications are recommended by doctors to be taken on a regular basis. These drugs help asthma patients in keeping their condition under control on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, these medications work by relaxing the muscles that tighten around the airways and hence improve breathing.

Long-term asthma medications include the following:

• Inhaled corticosteroids- Doctors may prescribe you anti-inflammatory drugs including Fluticasone, Ciclesonide, Budesonide, Flunisolide, Beclomethasone and Mometasone to provide you long-term relief from your asthma. These drugs are prescribed to be used for several days to weeks before they reach their maximum benefit.

•  Leukotriene modifiers- Montelukast, Zafirlukast, and Zileuton are oral medications that help asthma patients with their symptoms for up to 24 hours. Leukotriene modifiers are sometimes linked to psychological reactions like hallucinations, aggression, depression and suicidal thinking. If you may possess any of these symptoms then immediately seek the advice and attention of your doctor.

• Long-acting beta agonists- These medications include Salmeterol and Formoterol which open the airways of asthmatic patients. Various research has proved that long-acting beta-agonists may increase the risk of a severe asthma attack, so it is recommended to take these asthma inhalers only in combination with an inhaled corticosteroid.

Asthma is a lifelong condition, but it can be managed easily if you get proper treatment and medications. In order to lead a better life, it is important for you to take your asthma medicines as prescribed. Furthermore, the more you learn about asthma, the better you can manage living with this condition. you can buy asthma inhalers online with genuine quality and affordable price.

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Amelia Smith

Nutritionist, herbalist, health and medicine writer and yoga enthusiast, Amelia Smith, is a professional in the health, nutrition and diet industry.

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