What Causes Canker Sores and Treatment

by | Nov 9, 2017 | Oral Care | 0 comments

1 in 5 people suffers from Canker sores on daily basis and almost everyone experience once in their lifetime. Canker sores are small lesions that grow on soft tissues in your mouth, lips or at the base of your gums. Noncontagious in nature, canker sores are painful and can make even eating food a difficult task. Generally, minor sores heal within few weeks without any treatment but their chances of recurrence are quite high. In case, of major sores which may not get healed naturally, requires medication in order to avoid complications such as pain and tingling sensation, tiredness and fever. If left untreated for a longer period of time, canker sores may spread to other parts of the mouth. In this short note, we will discuss the causes behind the condition along with the therapy to heal the canker sores.

Causes of Canker Sores

The exact reason for the canker sores is unknown but there are few triggering factors which can make you prone to the formation of canker sores:

  1. Genetic Predisposition/ Family history
  2. Viral Infection
  3. Stress
  4. Food allergy
  5. Mineral deficiency such as Vitamin B3, B9, B12, Zinc, Iron and calcium
  6. Mouth injury
  7. Hormonal disorder
  8. Stomach infection
  9. Weakness in immunity

How Canker Sores can be healed?

The minor sores get healed within the short span of time on their own. It is always good to wait for few weeks and take precautions such as:

  1. Avoid eating spicy and acidic food as it may enhance the sore formation
  2. Carefully brush your teeth so that sore may not get bruised
  3. Try home remedies such as applying glycerine gel, milk of magnesia on the affected part in order to decrease the pain and expedite the process of healing
  4. Supplementing your body with B vitamins and Iron
  5. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains

Rinsing mouth with products containing lidocaine or dexamethasone can be used to decrease the inflammation and pain. This will accelerate the process of healing and relieves tingling sensation which causes hindrance when you speak or eat. In case of stubborn canker sores, many oral and topical preparations are available in the market which can help in healing:

  1. Over the counter medicines such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen
  2. Topical Products containing Benzocaine, Fluocinonide, Hydrogen peroxide
  3. Oral medicines such as sucralfate and steroids in case if sores are not being healed by any other medicine
  4. Cauterization is a process of burning the inhabiting tissue of sore. This is done to treat the complex sore which fails to respond any other treatment

Consult your doctor if condition persists or sores appear again frequently. Always apply the topical medicine on the affected area. Always clean the area with a dry cloth and use a cotton swab for drug application. Never consume anything at least 30 minutes for the better results. Canker sores are not desired by anyone, but with the right course treatment and discussing with your doctor you will be able to achieve relief from cancer.


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