Ways to Remove Facial Hair on a Woman

by | Nov 8, 2022 | Facial Hair | 0 comments

All women have facial hair, even your favourite celebs. We are hairy humans, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Still, if you are not a fan of peach fuzz, that’s also fine. There are several ways to de-fuzz your face. Just remember, if you have concerns about excessive facial hair, it’s best to seek medical help as it may be a sign of any underlying condition. Experts say natural techniques and in-office options exist for the best short-term and long-term for removing facial hairs. Keep reading to find the best and approved ways to remove facial hair and get smooth skin.      

Hair growth can occur due to hormonal fluctuations. In some cases, it may be caused by genetics too. If you are concerned by the hair that grows on your face, follow these tips:      

  1. Tweezing – Another effective and inexpensive way, tweezing helps remove facial hair. This hair removal technique works slightly differently than shaving. Instead of removing hair with a razor blade, tweezers are made to pluck or pull hair from the roots. Tweezing works well on any facial hair. It’s particularly effective when shaping the eyebrows. Typically, the result of tweezing stays than shaving, and for up to three to eight weeks.  

To appropriately tweeze your facial hair, follow these steps:

  1. Firstly, wipe your face with a warm cloth to soften the skin.
  2. Carefully isolate the hair you wish to pluck.
  3. While holding your skin, pluck the unwanted one at a time.
  4. Always pull in the direction of hair growth.
  5. Be sure to disinfect the tweezer with alcohol after using it.
  • Epilation – Another option for removing facial hair. It is a technique that helps eliminate hair for up to four weeks, which might be a better option, especially when you are busy and do not want to shave or tweeze regularly. However, epilators work similarly to tweezing and shaving. The only difference is that epilators remove facial hair by grabbing multiple hairs at a time and removing them from the root. As hair is removed from the root, it takes longer to grow back.

In some cases, Epilation results in hairs growing back softer and finer. This way, the tiny strands become less noticeable. Once you are ready to use an epilator, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the epilator at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Hold your skin and move the device in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Slowly slide the device over your face to avoid breaking the hair. You should avoid pressing it too hard.
  • Waxing – Waxing is an effective way to eliminate unwanted hair in an area. When shopping for wax, look for soft wax. Hard wax works better for legs and bikini areas. Before you wax, do a patch test to see if you develop an allergic reaction.
  • Threading – Threading also helps remove unwanted facial hair on the upper lip side of the face and chin. With the help of a thread, you pull and twist unwanted hair until it lifts from the hair follicle. The results can last longer than shaving or tweezing. Also, this technique doesn’t cause ingrown hairs.
  • Topical prescriptions – Even if you shave, tweeze, or thread unwanted facial hair, it eventually grows back. However, no topical prescription is available to reduce unwanted hair growth in women. Eflora cream, also sold as Vaniqa, is the only medication approved to reduce unwanted hair growth in women. Speak to your doctor if the topical medication is appropriate for you. You can buy Eflora cream online at an affordable rate.  
  • Shaving – Undoubtedly, shaving is one of the fastest and easiest ways to remove facial hair and saves you time. But shaving for women is still controversial as it has several disadvantages, including ingrown hairs, skin damage, dryness, itching, etc. Shaving blunts the hair’s edges, making it feel stubbly and coarse. This may form an illusion that your facial hair has become thicker or darker. Facial shaving for women should be done differently than shaving for men. Women should use specialized shavers that are meant for women. Whether you are using a disposable or an electric shaver, both are made in a way that they have a built-in blade that simultaneously lifts and cuts hair at the skin’s surface. To achieve the best results, clean your face and apply a later shaving cream or soap. This promotes smooth skin and reduces the risk of cuts. Gently glide the shaver over the fizzy area toward hair growth.

It can also safely remove hair from your:

  • upper lip
  • eyebrows
  • chin
  • sideburns

However, the results are not long-lasting. Your face will remain hair free for one to three days, and you will have to use the shaver again. Consult your dermatologist for the best alternative ways of removing facial hair.


Facial hair can be annoying for some people but getting rid of it is an easy fix. Depending on the chosen technique, you can get rid of hair for days, weeks, or months. Eflora cream, along with your favourite hair removal method, can help to remove unwanted hair. Check with your doctor if it’s appropriate for you.

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