How to Erase a Nasty Hangover

by | Jul 30, 2014 | Alcohol And Drug Treatment | 0 comments

Hectic schedules and pressurized job work timings leave people with no time to enjoy. They prefer weekend parties or hookups with family and friends on beaches to reenergize themselves for the next week. Having fun at a party with friends or colleagues mostly includes alcohol consumption. Many people end up drinking beyond their limit, resulting in a hangover.

More about Hangover:

The hangover term is associated with the consumption of alcohol that can affect an individual’s mental, emotional, and physical health. It occurs after the person has recovered from the intoxicating effects of alcohol. Usually, people suffer from hangovers the morning after they’ve consumed alcohol. A hangover is not a pleasant experience because it disrupts a person’s daily tasks and responsibilities, such as going out for a morning workout, going to the office, having me-time, or spending time with friends and family.

It has been proved in various research that hangovers can last anywhere between 8 and 24 hours. A hangover is a sign of showing that a person drank too much, which means that he has consumed alcohol over the specified limit and may be at health risk of damaging the brain. It has also been reported that people who suffer from a greater number of hangovers are known to present with damaged brain structures.

Symptoms of hangover:

Hangovers vary from person to person as it is typically based on person’s stamina to digest alcohol. Alcohol affects people in different ways, depending on these factors:

  1. The capacity of a drinker,
  2. The amount of alcohol consumed by a person,
  3. The amount of food eaten during consumption,
  4. The type of alcohol consumed.

Hangover symptoms are unpleasant as they create an overall feeling of poor well-being. Below are some of the symptoms of hangover:

  • Fatigue
  • Thirst
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Shakiness
  • Dehydration
  • Headaches and muscle aches
  • Nausea, vomiting or stomach pain
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Mood disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and irritability

Treating hangover:

The time has come; it’s the morning after your wildest party. You have the worst headache of your lifetime and may still be feeling, which indicates the dreaded hangover has hit you. So, to overcome the hangover and to survive it, the given tips can be helpful:

Finding immediate relief:

  • Drink loads of water – It simply silly if you’re hugging your toilet. Hhydrate yourself to overcome a hangover. It’s better to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water slowly.
  • Go back to sleep – After drinking excessively, you should rest well. So, crawl back into your bed, wrap yourself in your coziest blanket, and catch a few more hours of sleep.

Eating soothing food that cures hangover:

  1. Eat plain and starchy foods—Toast and crackers are good sources of carbohydrates for recovering from hangovers. Plain carbohydrates are the best way to help increase blood sugar and settle your stomach.
  1. Eat apples and bananas. These fruits are rich in nutrients and potassium, which help eliminate headaches and restore minerals lost during binge drinking.
  1. You can try eggs – Scrambled, fried, or soft-boiled eggs are the perfect cure for a hangover. They contain amino acids called cysteine, which help cure the counter-effects of acetaldehyde (a side effect of excessive alcohol consumption).
  1. Eat tomatoes and cabbage – These foods are the natural healers of hangovers because tomatoes have a fructose content that can refresh and revitalize you. Fructose helps boost your body’s metabolism to fight against alcohol. Further, cabbage acts as a wonderful healer of hangovers, and the extracted juice of cabbage and a little tomato juice help stabilize blood glucose levels.


Hangover friendly drinks:

  • Gatorade – Drinking sports drinks can help you regain your sugar levels. Gatorade is an energy sports drink that helps hydrate your body and gets you balanced and back to normal.
  • Carbonated soda—This drink is another good treatment for hangovers. It helps relieve an upset stomach, and the sugar can help return blood sugar levels to normal.


Herbal remedies to avoid hangover:

Herbal remedies help replenish lost nutrients at the time of drinking.

  • Dive into some honey – Honey helps increase your fructose levels, lost during binge alcohol drinking. You can try adding honey to boiling water to cure your hangover.
  • Try lemon – Lemon is the natural detoxifying agent that benefits your body. So, you can have plain lemon water or prepare lemon tea to settle your stomach and start the detoxification process.

Vitamins to combat hangover:

  • Take a vitamin B pill – You may prefer vitamin B, mainly B12, called Cobalamin, which plays a large part in the functioning of the nervous system and brain. Vitamin B is a boosting agent for your body, which can help treat head-bursting hangovers.
  • Vitamin C pills – They are antioxidants that help fight against free radicals in your body and generally alleviate headaches.


Other ways to avoid hangover:

  1. Do some light exercise – If you have trouble sleeping, try doing some exercise. You can prefer to go on a brisk walk, a light jog, or to swim a few laps. It has been researched that exercise helps your body’s ability to metabolize against alcohol consumption. Moreover, light exercise helps boost your endorphins and return to a normal mood.
  1. Avoid loud noises and bright light – Loud music or noise and bright light can be pretty annoying during a hangover. To minimize the headache and pain, you should avoid loud music, and to keep yourself cool, keep a cool washcloth on your head. If there is a plan to go outside, wear sunglasses or a hat to avoid bright light because bright light triggers hangovers.
  1. Take a shower or bath – A warm bath can be a good remedy. It also helps you to relax and feel clean. Additionally, breathe in the steam to alleviate the pain in your head.
  1. Give yourself a massage – If you don’t find anyone around, try to give yourself a head massage. This will help your body eliminate toxins and give you ultimate relief.

Precautions to take for avoiding hangover:

Everyone loves a good round of booze after a long week at work. But to avoid the after-effects of the intolerable hangover, below are some of the precautions to be followed:

  • Empty stomach – Always keep in mind not to drink alcohol on an empty stomach. Order a few dishes, snacks, and booze, which would slow your pace.
  • Mixing drinks – The side effects of mixing several drinks at a time may lead to a very miserable morning. So, do not mix your drinks because the better the quality of the drink, the lesser the after-effects of it.
  • Drink water– Always drink plenty of water to hydrate your body before the bathroom urges begin.
  • Set your drinking limit – Make sure you set a drinking limit for yourself and not others. Consume the amount of alcohol that your mind and body can manage. Don’t compete with others; always keep your health in mind.

Based on research, “moderate drinking” for men is considered as two drinks a day. So, share this blog with your friends to learn to sober up healthily and painlessly!

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Max Jones

A compulsive reader and a writer with a diploma in nutrition and diet. In my free time I love to explore my city while I promote pedal-biking.

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